Kristin Agopian, PhD

Assistant Director of Business Development & Licensing
Office of Technology Management
+1 415 340-2619

Kristin has over 10 years of business development and licensing experience. She is currently Licensing Team Lead for Therapeutics and Diagnostics within Innovation Ventures. She works closely with UCSF researchers to prioritize, develop, and partner their innovations for commercial development. Her portfolio includes therapeutics, diagnostics, and medical devices.  

Kristin holds a Ph.D. in Virology from Harvard University and an A.B. in Molecular Biology from Princeton University. She also has experience in business strategy consulting in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical space and in science and technology policy at the National Academies.


Evidence for adaptive evolution at the divergence between lymphoid and brain HIV-1 nef genes.

AIDS research and human retroviruses

Olivieri KC, Agopian KA, Mukerji J, Gabuzda D

Changes in the V3 region of gp120 contribute to unusually broad coreceptor usage of an HIV-1 isolate from a CCR5 Delta32 heterozygote.


Gorry PR, Dunfee RL, Mefford ME, Kunstman K, Morgan T, Moore JP, Mascola JR, Agopian K, Holm GH, Mehle A, Taylor J, Farzan M, Wang H, Ellery P, Willey SJ, Clapham PR, Wolinsky SM, Crowe SM, Gabuzda D