UCSF is a leader in translating research ideas into products which change lives.
As UCSF Faculty you are part of an institution and community which has patented more than 2,400 inventions that are actively used around the world to improve the way we work and live. UCSF is a unique environment, based in the center of the Bay area biotechnology and IT innovation eco-system.
From an atrial fibrillation device to the Hepatitis B vaccine to a yeast expression vector, our inventions brought in more than $30 million in licensing revenue in FY16, which is reinvested into more cutting-edge research.
Protect your research.
Follow links to access information and help with:
Protect Your Idea
The importance of protecting Intellectual Property before presenting or publishing research.
Submit an Invention
How to connect with the Office of Technology Management (OTM) and initiate the protection of your ideas.
Funding Opportunities for Product Development
Find specific internal and external funding sources for technology development.
Technology Commercialization
How to market your research.
Work with an Industry Partner
How to find and work with an industrial collaborator.
Material Transfers
Agreements to support transfer of research materials.
Start a Company
UCSF support for starting a company.