Kathleen Wilson-Edell, PhD
Kathy joined the UCSF Office of Technology Management (OTM) in March of 2014. She works with UCSF faculty members to protect intellectual property arising from their research and negotiates licenses to these technologies with both startups and established companies.
Prior to joining OTM full-time, Kathy was a part-time Technology Analyst with UCSF OTM while completing her postdoctoral training at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging in Dr. Christopher Benz’s laboratory. Her postdoctoral research focused on the role of ribosomal proteins in breast cancer. She received her Ph.D. in Genetics from Yale University in Dr. David Stern’s laboratory, studying regulation of gene expression and cytoskeleton rearrangement by BRCA1-related proteins. Kathy’s A.B. is from Cornell University, where she was a Presidential Research Scholar.
Kathy is passionate about helping UCSF investigators move their discoveries from the laboratory to the public domain.