Hanmin Lee, MD

Surgical Innovations Team
+1 415 476-2538

Dr. Lee is a pediatric surgeon with research interests in the integration of emerging devices and technologies in medicine. As Clinical Director of Surgical Innovations, Dr. Lee is passionate about collaborating with multidisciplinary experts to solve clinical needs.


Fetoscopic transuterine release of posterior urethral valves: a new technique.

Fetal diagnosis and therapy

Clifton MS, Harrison MR, Ball R, Lee H

A prospective, randomized, multicenter trial of amnioreduction vs selective fetoscopic laser photocoagulation for the treatment of severe twin-twin transfusion syndrome.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Crombleholme TM, Shera D, Lee H, Johnson M, D'Alton M, Porter F, Chyu J, Silver R, Abuhamad A, Saade G, Shields L, Kauffman D, Stone J, Albanese CT, Bahado-Singh R, Ball RH, Bilaniuk L, Coleman B, Farmer D, Feldstein V, Harrison MR, Hedrick H, Livingston J, Lorenz RP, Miller DA, Norton ME, Polzin WJ, Robinson JN, Rychik J, Sandberg PL, Seri I, Simon E, Simpson LL, Yedigarova L, Wilson RD, Young B

Characteristics of congenital cystic adenomatoid malformations associated with nonimmune hydrops and outcome.

Journal of pediatric surgery

Vu L, Tsao K, Lee H, Nobuhara K, Farmer D, Harrison M, Goldstein RB

Reliability of the lung-to-head ratio as a predictor of outcome in fetuses with isolated left congenital diaphragmatic hernia at gestation outside 24-26 weeks.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Yang SH, Nobuhara KK, Keller RL, Ball RH, Goldstein RB, Feldstein VA, Callen PW, Filly RA, Farmer DL, Harrison MR, Lee H

Surgical treatment of childhood recurrent pancreatitis.

Journal of pediatric surgery

Clifton MS, Pelayo JC, Cortes RA, Grethel EJ, Wagner AJ, Lee H, Harrison MR, Farmer DL, Nobuhara KK