The Catalyst Program expanded to Catalyst + Plus, a new addition that aims to provide additional support to the past Catalyst projects with a successful progress yet still seeking business advice and/or supplemental funding.
Fall 2017:
- Insoo Suh, MD, received funding for his proposal "Lamprey-Atraumatic Surgical Grasper".
- Shuvo Roy,PhD, received funding for his proposal "An Intervascular Ultrafiltration-Based Bioartificial Pancreas".
- Minnie Sarwal, MD, PhD, received funding for her proposal "TRAP: Transplant Risk Assessment Panels".
- Scott Baraban, PhD, received funding for his proposal "Zebrafish as a Model for Drug Discovery in Epilepsy".
- Stephen Nishimura, MD, received funding for his proposal on the "Development of a Monoclonal Antibody Targeting Cancer and Fibrosis".