Nirav Bhakta, MD, PhD, Xavier Orain, and Franklin Heng Breathily: Computer Vision-based Spirometry
Miles Conrad, MD, MPH and Phillip Messersmith, PhD, and Mark Wilson, MD A Novel Hydrodissection Material for Percutaneous Tumor Ablation
Nicole Jiam, MD and David Conrad, MD The PolyBarb Nasal Implant System: A Novel Steroid-eluting Absorbable Drug Delivery Platform for Inflammatory Diseases of the Nose
Chaz Langelier, MD, PhD A Rapid Host Gene Expression Classifier to Enhance COVID-19 Diagnosis and Predict Outcomes
Bin Liu, PhD Therapeutic Development of a Novel Wnt Agonist Antibody that is Not a Ligand Surrogate
David Raleigh, MD, PhD, Jeremy Reiter, PhD, and William Chen, MD A Gene Expression Panel Biomarker for Meningioma Risk-Stratification
Julie Saba, MD, PhD Adeno-Associated Viral Mediated SGPL1 Gene Replacement for Sphingosine Phosphate Lyase Insufficiency Syndrome (SPLIS)
Prasad Shirvalkar, MD, PhD and Lawrence Poree, MD, PhD EEG Guided Personalized Spinal Cord Stimulation for Chronic Pain
Ida Sim, MD, PhD Patient-Generated Data (PGD) Cloud: A Public Digital Utility for Patient-Generated Data as a Service
Yao Sun, MD, PhD NeoTune: A Tuneable Non-invasive High-Frequency Ventilation Device
Aaron Tward, MD, PhD and Vicente Planells-Palop, PhD Next-Generation Human Squamous Cell Cancer Modeling for Drug Discovery
Erik Ullian, PhD Investigating Neuronal Cell Autonomous and Non-Cell Autonomous Mechanisms of Degeneration
Lei Wang, PhD Developing Irreversible Covalent Protein Drugs for Treating SARS-CoV-2 Infection via PERx